My Last Footprint Evaluation
Final Footprint Evaluation Ecological Footprint: Before: After: When evaluating the ecological footprint, it is clear that I have improved my footprint drastically. I have actively been trying to decrease my ecological footprint by driving much less and carpooling almost everywhere I go. I want to keep this going because it is clearly working. I definitely reached my goals for this footprint and will definitely keep working on them. Carbon Footprint: Before: After: When evaluating my carbon footprint, I have also greatly reduced my carbon usage. Although it was not nearly as much as the ecological footprint, I am still glad I was able to reduce it even slightly. I did reach my goal of reducing my footprint, however, I want to still reduce it even further. By carpooling much more and driving less, this will really help me do that. I also want to get a more environmentally friendly car. Whether it is hybrid or fully electric, it will still be a better option that using my 2013 Niss...