How Greenwashing Can Affect Consumers and The Environment
Sustainable products have been increasing in popularity in these recent years. Many people are starting to realize that the world is very contaminated and if we don't do anything about it, we will have to face the consequences. Due to this, many consumers are shopping to be sustainable, even if the price is higher. Many companies are also taking advantage of this trend in some very negative manners. What is Greenwashing? Greenwashing is when companies make false claims that their products are environmentally friendly only for the benefit of selling more and going along with the sustainability trend. These companies promote their product as eco friendly but in reality are making very little to no effort. The absolute best way to avoid greenwashed products is to DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! Without doing so, you are asking to be tricked by big companies. Many of the claims they make also do not really make any sense and by thinking through those claims thoroughly, you can avoi...